Resolution: Done
AMRIT Sprint 25, AMRIT Sprint 26, AMRIT Sprint 27, AMRIT Sprint 28, AMRIT Sprint 29, AMRIT Sprint 30, AMRIT Sprint 31
As a User:
• I want to be able to access a list of beneficiaries from L3 to L5 grievances who consented to feedback calls in the Outbound Calling Application in 1097 helpline.
• I want to be able to view the details of each L5 grievance, including:
a) Complaint ID
b) Complaint Date
c) Beneficiary Name & Contact Information (Registered & Alternate)
d) State & District
e) Complaint Description
f) Attachments (if any)
g) State Comments (if any)
• I want to be able to initiate outbound calls directly from the application interface to the beneficiary's phone number.
• I want the application to track my call attempts (up to 3) and allow me to record the call status (e.g., Connected, Not Connected, Busy).
• I want to be able to document my interaction with the beneficiary in a text box to capture feedback and any updates on the complaint resolution.
• I want to be able to mark the grievance as:
a) Resolved (if the issue is addressed)
b) Unresolved (if the issue persists)
c) No Response (if the beneficiary cannot be reached)
Acceptance Criteria:
• The application displays a list of L5 grievances with beneficiary consent flags.
• Clicking on a grievance displays all relevant details.
• The application allows initiating outbound calls with a single click.
• Call attempts and statuses are logged automatically.
• A text box is available for counselors to document interaction details.
• The system allows marking the grievance status based on the call outcome.
Issue Links
- relates to
AMM-1124 4. Integrate API for fetching unallocated grievance record count for allocation screen
- Open
AMM-1125 1097Integrate Allocate API for allocating grievance records to agent
- Open
AMM-1127 1097 Integrate API for getting allocated call count in re-allocation screen.
- Open
AMM-1128 1097 Integrate API for re-allocating records to another agent
- Open
AMM-1129 1097Integrate Move to Bin API
- Open
AMM-1131 1097 Integrate API for fetching grievance outbound worklist data
- Open
AMM-1132 1097Integrate API for storing ben call details in t_bencall
- Open
AMM-1136 1097Integrate close call API
- Open
AMM-1147 1097: API for storing ben call details in t_bencall( Need analysis )
- Open
AMM-1148 1097 Modify existing close call API [ Add logic for reattempts based on call type and call subtype]
- Open
AMM-1138 Add param "beneficiary Consent" in the response of "feedback/get Feedbacks List" API
- Closed
AMM-1140 1097 Create an API for fetching unallocated grievance record count for allocation screen
- Closed
AMM-1141 1097-Create Allocate API for allocating grievance records to agent
- Closed
AMM-1142 1097- Create an API for fetching allocated call count in re-allocation screen
- Closed
AMM-1143 1097Create an API for re-allocating records to another agent
- Closed
AMM-1144 1097 Create an API for move to bin
- Closed
AMM-1150 1097: Add extra column "beneficiary consent" in feedback table
- Closed
AMM-1151 1097: New Table creation for storing L3 to L5 Grievances
- Closed
AMM-1133 1097-Workarea creation
- In Development
AMM-1145 1097: Create Fetch Grievance outbound worklist API change [ Resp: beneficiary ID, beneficiary Name, age( age + years/months/days) , complaintID, complaintDate, subjectOfComplaint, State, District, attachments, No of Attempts, severity ]
- In Development
AMM-1146 1097 Create an API for saving complaint resolution status [ Req: complaint ID, complaint Resolution, remarks, beneficiary ID]
- In Development
AMM-1149 1097 Create an API to push back updated grievance details to third party
- In Development
AMM-1121 Add "Consent Capture" switch button in feedback services
- Pending QA
AMM-1122 1097 Register Feedback API request change - Add param "beneficiary Consent"
- Pending QA
AMM-1123 Create Grievance Allocation Screen in supervisor
- Pending QA
AMM-1126 Create Grievance Re-Allocation Screen in supervisor
- Pending QA
AMM-1130 Create a new screen for Grievance Outbound worklist
- Pending QA
AMM-1134 Integrate Czentrix call logic in agent workarea
- Pending QA
AMM-1135 Create closure screen
- Pending QA
AMM-1137 Modify Feedback Register API - Add param "beneficiary Consent"
- Pending QA
AMM-1139 1097 Scheduler for fetching L3 to L5 grievance details - every 5 sec [ compare complaint Id for each insertion ]
- Pending QA
AMM-1184 Complaint Detail Screen for 1097 Outbound Calling Feature:
- Pending QA
AMM-1185 Integrating API to Save Complaint Resolution Details
- Open