Resolution: Unresolved
HWC Service line Admin configurations
Considering HWC as separate service line, to establish HWC application in a Facility, what are the prerequisite settings required for defining Facility and Users.
Following are the High-level prerequisite settings required:
- HWC Service line should be decoupled with current MMU configurations (Parking place, Van Id, etc.)
- Facility (SC, PHC, DH, etc.) should be defined and Users (Facility Staff) should be mapped under this facility
- Facility should map with Locations (Villages) and Location Type (Urban, Rural, etc.) – should be mapped to ASHA, ANM, etc.
- ASHA, should be mapped to ANM and Anganwadi
- Referral work flow should be defined
- Inventory: Store and Sub store mapping – should be aligned with the Facility Master
- Inventory: Pharmacy store is dependent on the “Van Id” mapping without this Inventory module will not work
- There should be provision to define State wide Projects
- State level Service line & Project mapping:
State >> SL - HWC >> Project-1
State >> SL - HWC >> Project-2
State >> Project-1 >> SL-HWC, SL-FLW, SL-TM, etc.
State >> Project-2 >> SL-HWC, SL-FLW, SL-TM, etc.