Resolution: Unresolved
In FLW App API for up sync and down sync of Micro Birth Plan Data.
The data is now stored in the inhouse App bd, Need API to store the data in the AMRIT Database, so that this data can up sync from FLW to AMRIT and down sync from AMRIT to FLW (down sync happens at first time download after App installs and Logins)
The Type of fields and their initial value or default values are below
Note: primary key and foreign key to be added and taken care.
val id: Int = 0,
val benId: Long,
var nearestSc: String? = null,
var bloodGroup: String? = null,
var contactNumber1: String? = null,
var contactNumber2: String? = null,
var scHosp: String? = null,
var usg: String? = null,
var block: String? = null,
var bankac: String? = null,
var nearestPhc: String? = null,
var nearestFru: String? = null,
var bloodDonors1: String? = null,
var bloodDonors2: String? = null,
var birthCompanion: String? = null,
var careTaker: String? = null,
var communityMember: String? = null,
var communityMemberContact: String? = null,
var modeOfTransportation: String? = null,
var ProviderServiceMapID: String? = not null,
Link to BRD- Pls see section 4.2.3, For Micro Birth Plan