Resolution: Done
As a User using the Mobile Medical Unit (MMU) application .I want: the Provisional Diagnosis section to use a dropdown instead of a search filter So that: the selection process is more intuitive and user-friendly.
*Acceptance Criteria
Dropdown Implementation:
Replace the existing search filter in the Provisional Diagnosis section with a dropdown menu.
The dropdown should display all available diagnoses in a scrollable list.
Search Capability within Dropdown:
Include a search bar within the dropdown for quicker selection when the list is long.
User Interaction:
The dropdown should allow selection of a single diagnosis at a time.
If multi-selection is required, provide checkboxes within the dropdown.
UI/UX Enhancements:
The dropdown should be visually clear, with a placeholder such as "Select Diagnosis."
Diagnoses should be displayed alphabetically for easier navigation.
Performance Optimization:
Ensure the dropdown loads quickly, even with a large number of options.
Implement lazy loading or pagination for extensive lists to maintain responsiveness.
Save and Display:
The selected diagnosis should be saved and displayed in the patient's record accurately.