Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
DB: Update all the field name that have existing columns in table with created by adminAMM-445
API: New transition table to save section names and fields in itAMM-444
DB: New master table for section namesAMM-443
API: Save API to map sections to project.AMM-442
API: Update section fields APIAMM-441
API: Save section fields APIAMM-440
API: Fetch fields added to section APIAMM-439
API: Fetch project_Names APIAMM-438
API: Get the section masters APIAMM-437
UI: After clicking on save close the popup and display success msg and display the added fields for the selected page.AMM-436
UI: On adding the fields enable a save button to save the fields.AMM-435
UI: In inner table give an option to remove the fieldAMM-434
UI: Enable a add button on selecting all fields. and on click of add show that added field in below table and give chance to other field.AMM-433
UI: On clicking the button open a popup box and display fields to enterAMM-432
UI: On click of add fields button in tableAMM-431
UI: On checking the checkbox, save button to be enabled and on click of it those sections to be added to the project. (API call)AMM-430
UI: On Selection display a table with columns and rows should have sections masterAMM-429
UI: On click of preview open a popup to display the configured sections and fields.AMM-428
UI: If project has already mapped sections display a preview buttonAMM-427
UI: Initially display project fields(autocomplete).AMM-426
UI: Screen Heading "Project Configuration screen"AMM-425
UI: On click of it route to new repository in new tabAMM-424
UI: Add one more activity in old admin configurations screen.
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